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Friday, July 24

A Very Patient Man

In order for you to get a good understanding of this story you will need some background information. I belong to a pretty athletic family and I am the black sheep. Instead of playing outside with the fam as a child I would read a book in bed with a Hershey's Cookies 'n' Mint candy bar. These candy bars aren't sold anywhere any more. A few years ago Hastings carried the king size ones at Christmas time. My stocking was full of them. If you ever see them anywhere--buy them all and send them to me. I would love you forever! But my story is not about this candy bar...

So fast forward to college...

My best friend, Laura, had a very light load her senior year. One of her classes was racquetball/tennis. We would go play at the workout facility. She taught me how to do it all and was extremely patient with me. I had played racquetball with my family at the YMCA, but I'm pretty sure it ended with me getting hit in the face with the ball or me hitting someone in the face with the ball. Whatever it was it ended badly.

Summer break came around and I convinced my Mom to buy tennis racquets and play with me. My Mom and sister were very impressed that I could hit the ball and we had a lot of fun playing. Although it wasn't really playing--just hitting the ball back and forth w/no rules. Probably the first time in my life that playing sports with the fam ended well. {side note, my parents are very encouraging people; I just sucked and knew it.}

Ty and I played racquetball a few times together in college and there were always scary moments where Ty would get tired of going easy and hit the ball HARD and I would be scared of the ball for the rest of the playing time. Ball bounce around like crazy in those enclosed rooms.

Enough background information, I think you guys get the point that I am unathletic and uncoordinated. Oh and I am scared of the ball.

We discovered tennis courts right by our neighborhood. I was really excited! We went Sunday night and played. We were the only ones there and I was SO happy! I hate trying new, athletic things in front of people. Ty is so incredibly patient with me and it was going okay. Then, two guys show up and decide to play right beside us. This might not be a big deal to those of you who are good at tennis, but this was a HUGE deal for me.

I'm excited when I hit the ball. I don't care where it goes as long as I hit it. Well, this usually means it goes over the fence or bounces onto the court beside us. So, when these guys showed up and decided to pick the court right beside me and not any of the other 5 courts I was pretty upset. We continued to play for a little while, but I was pretty discouraged so we left. {so discouraged that I might have cried when we got home. I said might have...}

I didn't give up completely. We went back the next day and I improved quite a bit. Ty wasn't having to chase the ball quite as much. He made me get the ones that went over the fence. haha! I can tell he really wants to zing one past me, but he holds back and barely lobs it over to me so that I can hit it back. Such a sweet, patient husband.

Then tonight it was a huge improvement! I smiled the whole time that we played. I was actually hitting the ball inside the lines, Ty wasn't having to run all over the court(s) as much as last time, and I was having fun!

My sweet, patient husband isn't always so patient when it comes to my picture taking.

Everytime we have gone we always play a short game. Last night I scored for the first time!! I scored 7 or 8 times! Ty won, of course, but I scored and that's all that matters!

I keep telling Ty that I will probably be an amazing player

once he buys me a tennis skirt!

{That got pretty lengthy; you guys still here??}

I don't want to give you all the wrong impression about last night. I'm still an awful tennis player, but I was so bad to begin with, that last night I felt like Anna whatsherface.


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  1. Girl, I feel your pain! Jonathan is an amazing tennis player and I have been trying to learn for the past 5 years, to no avail. It is still pretty much him throwing the ball across the net for me to hit back. But we're good at other things...right? :)

  2. You are adorable. I love this story. You do have a great hubby! Hope y'all have a fabulous weekend!

  3. That is so cool that you're having fun playing tennis! I was one of those girls that hated P.E. class in high school (I mean, dreaded it every day) because I was so uncoordinated and was so self-conscious during team sports. But as I got older I realized that it can be fun to play some sports as long as you're comfortable with the people you're playing with. Great story!

  4. haha cute post! makes me what to take up tennis! And I can totally sympathize with your feelings about those guys playing right next to you. I only like to do things that I'm good at in "public"!

    p.s. Found your blog from my bestie, Megan (in this wonderful life)

  5. OMG this was too funny!! My family is just the same way. My brother was this great tennis player in school, and I'd rather read than go play in the sun. lol. I boycotted the game for years because I was too stubborn!! Maybe I need to be a grown-up and try it again like you are...? :)

    And p.s. I gave you an award on my blog! :)

  6. Cute post! My brother played college tennis and enjoyed using me as target practice! Keep trying, the clothes are just so cute.

  7. Hahahahahahahaha! D and I got on a tennis kick last year and another time in college. It was ridiculous. I am horrible! It's sooo much harder than it looks! I think me and u should play. Now that would be funny. :)

  8. i always used to say i wanted to play tennis simply so i could have a cute tennis skirt.

    (p.s. secretly i still want one, and possibly, maybe looked into buying one yesterday :) heh..)

    sounds like a great husband you have! :)

  9. I'm not very athletic either- I've got a great basketball shot, but that's about where it ends!

  10. I have ZERO athletic abilities, so I can sympathize with you! Glad you both had fun!

    And ps, I used to loooove those chocolate bars!

  11. oh yay!! I am glad you kept at it and didn't give up :)

  12. I'm the same way...I'm not real athletic, and I get frustrated when I don't get it right. Grant is not as good at being patient with me! :) But I have to give him credit, because he tries really hard.

  13. You play tennis like I do! LOL! If you lived closer we'd be perfect partners. Of course, it's a million degrees here so it's too hot to play, but whatever!

  14. Soooo fun! Tennis is something that you absolutely CAN get better at - consider taking a lesson where you literally just hit balls for an hour. You'd be amazed at how quickly you can get really good!

    Such a sweet story, too! :)

  15. oh my gosh! You totally need the tennis skirt. That will make all of the difference. That's how I feel about running!

    PS-I want a tennis skirt too...I may or may not actually try to play tennis though.

  16. That sounds fun! Good for you for still giving it a chance.

    And I think you've inspired me to start playing again... :)

  17. that is soo fun!! and you guys are so cute! cute pics! our first date was hubby teaching me how to play=)! it's been so long since we've payed now we can't wait to play again=)

  18. Yay! You go girl! (I am a horrible tennis player to. Frankly, I think it's the darn cutest sport ever, though, and I really want a skirt, too!)

  19. I thought I was the only one that wants to stop 'playing' when other people show up! We have two courts side-by-side in our neighborhood and we always !need both of them

  20. YAY for tennis! Isn't it fun?! I need to get better! Oh, and a tennis skirt will for sure help! ;) duh!

  21. This makes me laugh, you're adorable!! Once you get that tennis skirt, you will be awesome.. seriously, it's all in the skirt!! =)

  22. You're so funny. I love it that you're just excited when you hit the ball. I'm the same way with sports. :)

    Okay, how cute do you look on the court! Love the little flower in your hair.

  23. P tired to teach me how to play tennis and I almost killed him. I'm so awful at it. Good for you!

  24. LOL... Anna whatsherface... dying laughing!!!

  25. I can totally sympathize with you. I am so uncoordinated and scared of the ball too! Oh and I cannot run gracefully to save my life! Swimming was the only sport I could manage!


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