We made the trip to our hometown a couple of weekends ago and I wanted to document it with a few pictures. Jack did great on the 3 hour car ride and slept the majority of the time.

Trying to get a picture of all the cousins. At least Wade made the picture even if he didn't want to sit on the couch. :) And of course, Jack had spit up on his onesie right before this picture, so he didn't have a shirt on.

Mason put on his Halloween costume to show us. I think he was a little confused on the type of patients he is supposed to treat.

He convinced my dad to join him.

Mason is trying to comfort Jack. Such a sweet boy! I can't wait to watch him with his new sister.

That's right, my sister is pregnant and having a little girl!
Someone thought my uggs were pretty fun!

Celebrating my birthday with my family a couple of weeks early. I love cookie cake!