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Tuesday, May 14

Mother's Day weekend

We started the weekend off with bedlam baseball. It was the perfect weather for a baseball game and Jack loved being outside for such a long period of time. 




Jack loves to be around Breck, my friend, Maghin's little boy. They gave each other the sweetest hugs bye at the end of the night. 

I had a work event Saturday morning for incoming students and Ty sent me this picture of Jack, with the caption "missing mommy." Sweet boy! I guess they found an old video of me on the iPad to watch.

Ty and Jack did such a good job at making me feel special and loved! Ty made me two delicious meals: an omelet for breakfast and then, steak, grilled corn and mashed potatoes for lunch. I'm still thinking about the steak. It was so good!


I was gifted with two sweet cards, dark chocolates, and a beautiful pearl necklace. I also went to get a pedicure later in the afternoon. It was the perfect day of being pampered by my boys. All day long I kept thinking about how lucky I am to have this family, and especially the sweet boy that made me a momma!

I feel so blessed to be this little boy's mommy!

He loves to grab leaves.

And my necklaces...wearing my present!
It matches the pearl earrings Ty gave me when Jack was a week old.

I can't not share this picture. Jack was so happy sitting in there...until he tried to get up. Poor baby got stuck, and mommy and daddy couldn't resist the picture opportunity before helping him out.

Saturday, May 4

10 months

You are 10 months old and quite the busy bee! You are crawling everywhere and move pretty fast when you lock your eyes on something you really want, like Nuts' water bowl. You can stand for several seconds on your own, and have gotten to where you can walk around while only holding onto one of our hands, instead of both. Watching you walk with push toys is adorable. You walk all over the living room and kitchen with them and get to going pretty fast once you hit the wood floors.


You love to be outside! In fact, I was holding you the other day and let Nuts out the back door. You started crying when I didn't continue on out to the back porch with you. You have a swing and water table on the back porch that keep you entertained. We go on lots of walks in your blue car and you love to see the fountains in the ponds.

Your first tooth popped through on top at 9.5 months. I can see your other front, top tooth, but it hasn't come down yet. You are eating baby food 3 times a day in addition to nursing or getting a bottle every 4 hours. Your favorite food is your morning cereal. You like to eat sliced cucumbers, red bell peppers, and puffs.

In addition to babbling, you have started clucking your tongue and making the Indian sound by using your hand to pat your mouth: bah, bah, bah...
You love to play with things you shouldn't like the fireplace and the sound bar in front of the TV. I'm trying to teach you "no", but so far, you just seem to grin real big and laugh. Not a good sign for mommy! I've had to hold back my laughter when you do it!


You like to play with cars, strings/cords, and Nuts' toys and bones. (yucky!) You also think all iPads and computers belong to you and you love to bang on them. You have discovered Mommy and Daddy's eyes and teeth. You've been interested in our noses for a while, but the eyes and teeth are new. You love to touch my teeth. With our eyes, you almost act like you want to scratch them out or poke them out. You even made Daddy's nose bleed the other night, because you poked your finger so far up there! We want you to explore, but we also want to keep our faces intact. Ha!

Jack, you still like to be upside down, and I let you flip over once after nursing. Now you think you need to flip backward off the chair each time you get done eating. You love for your daddy to "string" you up and swing you. I know your daddy can't wait until he can really throw you around and wrestle with you.


My sweet boy, you are such a joy and make us smile and laugh so much! You have started going to bed earlier, and your dad and I will lay in bed and look at pictures of you on our phones. We can't get enough of our Jack!

We love you.


Weight: 17 lbs
Height: over 28 1/4 in; It is hard to measure you and this was your stat from last month. You seem bigger to me this month
Clothes: You are in a range of sizes from 3-6 to 9 months. The majority of your pants are still 3 or 3-6 months because your waist is small.
Diaper: size 2
Nicknames: Jack Attack, sugar bear, munchkin, baby Jack, sweet boy

I feel like the above pictures are not very honest. All of the above pictures are from the second photo shoot. The first one did not go so well and we had to take a break. :) Jack was upset the first time around, because he wanted my big camera. I ended up taking all of the above photos with my phone.




I love that Nuts is hanging out in the background.

I'm pretty sure Ty will not agree to participate in the future. Not that he was a very willing participant to begin with. :)

Wednesday, May 1

quack, quack

Yesterday evening I took Jack on a walk around the neighborhood, while Ty did some reading for residency. Jack is enamored with the fountains in the ponds, while I am always on the look out for the fish and ducks. We have four ducks that have taken up residence in our ponds this spring. One of them has 10-12 ducklings and they are the cutest things. I say 10-12 because it is hard to count those things!

Last night toward the end of our walk I saw the ducks and ducklings. As we got closer to them I could see they were hanging out in the parking spaces by the entrance to our neighborhood. I could only see 4 ducklings, so I assumed the rest had left for life on their own. (I know nothing about how long ducklings stay with their momma.) We walked past them and I saw them heading toward the pond, and one by one the ducklings dropped through the drainage grate into the drainage ditch. I was devastated. The ducklings were quacking. The mama duck was walking around lost quacking for her babies. It was awful.

I went inside the house and told Ty all about it. Being the kind man he is, he volunteered to walk down there and check things out. I don't think he was very confident about actually rescuing them. After some investigating, he realized he could lift the grate up and use a net to scoop them out. Thankfully, we have some nets in our attic from "crab hunting" on beach vacations.

Our neighbor volunteered to help Ty and luckily Ty has long arms and was able to save all 10-12 ducklings! I guess that is why I only saw four on our walk. The others had fallen in earlier in the day.

The momma duck was so happy to have her babies back!

I snapped pictures on my phone while holding Jack. Not the best quality, but I couldn't miss out on the opportunity to capture the moment.

The sad momma duck wandering around quacking for her babies.

Lifting the heavy grates

scooping out the babies




Reunited and heading toward the pond!

The momma duck took off swimming in the pond with only half of her babies. Ty released the others into the pond and they swam after her.




That man of mine. He is a good egg.

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