This selling our house business has us busy! It is amazing how much needs to be done. We have a photographer coming today and I'm sitting in my office at work hoping I did everything I was supposed to this morning. I'm sure I forgot to do something. We are also having an open house this coming Sunday. Ah, so exciting and scary all at the same time.
We spent the majority of the weekend getting the house ready for these things, but we did make some time to relax. We saw True Grit Friday evening. The acting was amazing and the music (old hymns) was beautiful!
{via}We did our grocery shopping after the movie and I discovered my new favorite snack at Target.

I'm always eating the Nature Valley granola bars, but these are better because they contain chocolate. duh.
Speaking of chocolate, I made the most decadent brownies this weekend.
Katie posted them on her blog on Friday and I couldn't resist making them. Recipe
here. (super easy!)
Symphony Brownies

{picture via
Ty is not allowed to mention how much of the brownies have already been consumed.
Despite all the house stuff, I managed to do quite a bit of fun stuff this weekend. Ty slaved away the majority of the time while I was out and about. Isn't he the best?!
Went to a baby shower for Megan and baby Eli

It was a cowboy theme. How cute are these plates?!

See all the cute details on Megan's
On Monday I took H, my bbbs little, to see Tangled. It was really cute!

It was nice to have an extra day to add to the weekend. Now, if I could only arrange to work four days every week.