Ty and I had a fantastic Christmas at home with our families. Ty's rotation schedule and my work schedule allowed us to go home on the night of the 22nd and return to our house on the 26th. Ty also gets off for New Year's. Whoo hoo for a great rotation schedule!
Thursday, December 23rd:
I spent most of the day with my mom and Mason. I did get to meet up with some of my best friends from high school that afternoon. It was so nice to catch up and see Kristan's new house and meet her little boy, who is a year and a half. I can't believe I had never met him! He is adorable.
My mom keeps Mason during the day. She wasn't feeling well, so she took a nap and Mason got to come with me. :) I had fun showing him off.
Ty's family has a Christmas Eve Eve celebration every year where we all get together and eat and play games. This year Santa made an appearance.

Friday, December 24th:
Ty and I are always the first ones to open our stockings. I had to test out my new flexible
that came in my stocking.

My MIL always puts code names on all of the presents and we find out who we are when we open our stockings. There is always an orange at the bottom of the stocking with a code name written on it. Last year the the theme was Twilight and this year's theme was Toy Story. I was Slinky and Ty was Bo Peep. I love this tradition!
Lillian and I drew each other's names and we were waiting patiently to exchange our gifts.

I want her jammies! Aren't they cute?!
No trip home is complete without a golf cart ride.

Ty brought this gun home with him to protect us from bad guys. :)

Still not sure how I feel about it...
You have to love Lillian's get up for shooting a gun:
Leopard coat, heart mittens, polka dot hat, and cowboy boots.

Part of her present from me was the polka dot hat.
Saturday, December 25th:
Christmas day with my family.
We were ready to open presents!

My parents re-gifted us our bb guns. I need to search for a picture of the first time they gave them to us.

Mason checking out his present from Aunt Lindsey and Uncle Ty

I think it met his approval.

This ribbon and cooler kept him entertained the most--go figure.

Ty wearing his new vest and hat doing a little target shooting with my bb gun.

For whatever reason there seemed to be a lot of gun shooting this holiday season. At least it got us out of the house for a little bit. :)
I got sick Christmas night and have still not recovered. Fingers crossed, I feel better tomorrow. I want to enjoy my week off from work!