We arrived at our resort around 6 in the evening. We were tired from traveling all day, but as soon as we walked into the resort they greeted us with water and champagne. On the way to our room we passed a table full of the best snacks ever. Who would have ever thought that a hot dog on a gourmet roll with tomatoes and mayo could be so delish??
The resort always had an evening activity planned. Our first night it was a fire show. It started off slow with cirque du soleil type dancers and then came the fire and break dancers. It was a fantastic show and the best part--it was free!
We had a great view of the ocean at every meal we ate.
We took a walk on the beach every morning. It was so peaceful out there.
Mornings are my favorite time on the beach.
We spent the rest of the morning hanging out at the pool either reading or floating in the pool.
Great book, btw. It's really funny. Since we were at an adults only resort (you had to be 18 to stay there) there was no screaming or splashing. Everyone was in their own little worlds, but still very friendly.
The resort had daily activities, one of them being rifle shooting, aka a bb gun. haha.

Fourth of July celebration
We spent an evening in Playa del Carmen.
Our last night at the resort it was Casino Night. We had so much fun.
The resort had paper money and whatever you won at the end you were able to use at an auction later that evening. We played a lot of black jack.
We wore a lot of sunblock and applied quite regularly, but I still got a sunburn. I alternated between spf 100 & 85. I know, I know, I was living on the edge.
Nursing my burnt legs. Only the front of them got red. I blame it on kayaking.
Up next: pictures from our disposable waterproof camera. Get ready for some quality pictures.
And if you made it all the way through the post, I think I might have made Ty blush with my post yesterday. hee hee. He wanted me to make sure you all know that he did not pose for any of those pictures. I was a snap happy fool. :)