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Thursday, November 4

Should I be concerned or happy??

I have spotted this in my neighborhood twice this week.

Should I be concerned about the possiblity of skunks or just happy that it is being taken care of?

What a creative marketing design! haha. Ty said he has seen a camaro version at the hospital. {Hopefully, not for rodent problems. :)}


  1. my grandma sits outside on her porch every evening looking for skunks... i should let her know that services like this exist if she ever sees one!!

  2. Oh, no! Yes, go with the be happy they are taking care of it route! I let our puppy out the other night and smelled big time skunk. I was so afraid it was in our yard and was going to spray him!

    Love the branding, though. Very attention getting!

  3. That is hilarious! Yes! Make sure those things don't get under your house. A friend of mine from grade school lived out in the country and a skunk sprayed underneath their house. The whole house (and her) smelled skunky for weeks. It was awful!

  4. HA! I would say happy--because it seems like they have it under control?

  5. haha! That's an awesome truck! I'd be happy! Hopefully your neighbors take care of the skunk and you don't have to foot the bill! Might want to stock up on tomato sauce just in case that skunk whisperer is all talk!

  6. That's such a cute design & I love the name! Hopefully they are getting the problem resolved!

  7. That is absolutely hilarious! My senior year of HS, a skunk died under our house. I even got sent home from school because I smelled so badly! HA!

  8. OH my gosh ... that is disgusting! However, yesterday morning the dogs were going crazy in my backyard and when I opened the door it reeked of skunk. How in the world does a skunk end up in the middle of the city???

  9. oh my word, i have never seen that before! i guess its good they are taking care of the problem!

  10. That is so great! Some people are too clever :)

  11. There was a skunk in our neighborhood not long ago and it sprayed somewhere because we kept smelling it. Nasty. I hate skunks!

  12. Hahaha, that is hilarious! I would go with just being happy someone's taking care of it!

  13. Haha, that's hysterical! Thanks for your sweet comment...I'm SO glad to be back :)

  14. You know he does have a tv show on the Animal Planet? Maybe Nuts will have a cameo! :)

  15. Um yikes!! At least they are going to be gone??

  16. Umm I've never seen one of those! Kind of icky if there's a bunch of skunks around though!

  17. So funny... I've never seen a skunk catcher. Yikes!!!!


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