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Tuesday, August 4

Could you repeat that?

A week ago I started having some ear problems. They felt really stopped up like someone had put cotton balls down in them. I assumed it was allergy related.
After a few more days of this I made Ty get out his doctor tools and look in my ears. They were full of wax. Then he turned to me and asked the dreaded question, "Did you use a Q-tip lately?"

Of course the first thing I did when my ears felt stuffy was use a Q-tip. I didn't want to admit to it, because I knew that a lecture would follow. Apparently, doctors or student doctors in this case think Q-tips are from the devil and you should NEVER stick them in your ears.

At this point, it's Wednesday and I can't hear out of my left ear. Ty starts putting drops of something in my ear that is supposed to clear out all the wax. {gross, huh?} Well, it is now Tuesday, a full week and one day later from when this first started and I still can't hear out of my left ear. The wax is not going away! It has gotten a ton better in my right ear, but it was never as bad as my left.
Here I am laying down with drops in my ear. My sweet dog feels sorry for me!

Usually when I answer the phone I hold it to my left ear, because I am right handed and want that hand free to do other things besides hold the phone. Not anymore! I can't hear people with the phone held up to my left ear!! I can't hear people very well unless they are talking directly at my face. And if someone tries to whisper, forget it! I have been watching t.v. with a ridiculously high volume. It is MISERABLE!!!
I'm sure you are asking yourself, why hasn't she gone to the doctor??? And that is a good question. I have never been to a family doctor in this town. I haven't had a reason to go in the two years that we have lived here. Plus I figured this would have gone away by now. Ty has been looking in my ears with his odoscope so I know they are not infected.

But enough is enough. I am going to try to get in to see a doctor soon. (Which probably means it won't happen for another week.)
I'm done complaining now. :)



  1. Oh that's awful - I've had similar problems and it's beyond annoying! Hope you feel better.

  2. Aww, I'm sorry, that's sooo annoying. I hope it gets better soon!

  3. I hate that feeling!

    That picture is so stinking cute!!

  4. How terrible! I hope that you feel better soon! Your dog is so adorable in that picture!

  5. First off..cute pic.

    I know qtips are bad but I love them and use them everyday. My sister used to get bad ear wax and would have to get her ears flushed out to get all the wax out. I hear it's not that bad.

  6. I had a similar problem and let it go for months and had to have my ear irrigated and it definetly was NOT a pleasant experience so take it from me, Don't Wait!

  7. I hope its not painful! I have heard that q-tips are back to use in your ears, but what else are we supossed to use to clean them out?!? I can't believe you haven't been to the dr. in 2 years. You know I go like every 2 months. :-)

  8. If you have to have them flushed out by the doctor it is such a weird feeling but they get so much stuff out!!

  9. Though annoying, wax buildup is highly common. Most likely your husband used a sweet oil in your ear to try and loosen the wax. I used to be a medical office assistant, and one of my job duties was to preform "ear washes" to people with buildup. We made a solution of peroxide and water, filled a huge syringe with it, and shot the water into the ear canal to flush the wax out. It is loud, but usually not painful. The oil remedy usually works best as a maintence program, rather than a "cure". You would not believe the stuff come out of people's ears, I one got a bug embedded in a hard clump of wax out of an old man! I'm sure what you've got going on in there is nothing compared to what I have seen!

  10. sorry to hear hun :|
    that is the cutest pic ever of you and your pup!!

  11. Oh no! That is horrible! I hope that you are able to get into a doctor really soon! That has to feel really funny and be really annoying!

    I hope you are able to fix this problem soon!

  12. No fun! I use q-tips too, so let me know how things turn out for you!

    Cute picture with the pup by the way :-)

  13. That's awful!! I hope it will clear up soon. :)

    Very cute picture!

  14. I think you are going to have to get to the doctor missy! Sorry you have been under the weather!

  15. You poor thing! I had tubes in my ears when I was a baby, so every time Im about to get sick, my ears HURT. I understand your pain!

  16. My husband had that same thing happen and his doc told him to get one of those blue sucker/squirter things for babies noses (I have no clue what the actual name is) and fill it with warm water and squirt it in your ear while leaning your head over a sink and it will flush it out. Believe me, it flushed his ear out! It was pretty nasty, but it worked!

  17. oh that sounds awful... I always get annoyed when I can't hear well out of one of my ears so I can't imagine a whole week or more of that!

    Hope it gets better soon!

  18. Bless your heart! I hope you get to feeling (and hearing) better soon. Good thing you have Ty and Nuts taking such good care of you.

  19. yikes! i had that problem once and when i went to the doctor they had to flush it out... it felt kinda cool/weird, but i was very glad i went and got it taken care of!

  20. Oh sweet pea i'm so sorry!
    (as a fellow Q-tip user i, too, am scared to go into the dr if i ever have an ear issue)

    please do go in! get better soon!


  21. You sure look cute with your pup, ear aches and all!

  22. I use Q tips everyday in my ears mainly because I don't know what else I'm suppose to use LOL! Mr. Pro had to go have his ears vaccumed last summer after we went to a water park bc he couldn't hear... he was not a happy camper. Good luck!

  23. That always happens to me. I have to go to the doctor about twice a year to get my ears flushed. It is really gross but makes your ears feel so much better!!

  24. hope your ears getting better soon!! I probably need not use a qtip so much!

  25. Yuck! hope you feel better soon!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Just to let you know, I still use Q-tips even though we are taught they are bad! But here's the deal -- I usually let hot water run into my ears for about 2-3 minutes when I shower to make ear wax more pliable and then clean it out with the unmentionable. You can also try to do an "at home" version of Chandra's post below using a bulb syringe (like thebaby ones they sell at wal-mart). Make a solution of peroxide and warm water and pour some in your ear. Let it sit for about 10-15 minutes. Then, have Ty use fill the syringe with more solution to try to flush out the wax. It might take a few tries, but the main goal is to try to break up the wax and flush it out. Good luck!

  28. Have you ever tried ear wax candles? I haven't, but Becky and several other of my friends just rave about them. Hope you feel better!

  29. Okay, so tell us what the doctor did for ya! Sorry you were temporarily deaf.

  30. Oh my goodness, I know how you feel. I have to go to the doc about every 2 years to have my ear wax removed. When it's all done and I can hear again, I feel like a new person. :) Why do those Q-Tips feel so good?

    Sometimes the family doc makes a mess cleaning out the ears. If you can, try the Ear, Nose and Throat doc. They're so much better and they have better equipment.

  31. Oh no! I am so sorry. But you are too cute in that picture ;-)

  32. Ooh that sucks! I'm not gonna lie, I'm in medical school and I still use Q-tips. My ears just feel so dirty without them!

  33. How convenient to have a doctor at home, even if technically he's not a doctor yet. Except for the getting lectured part. I love my qtips too.

    I had a coworker a few years ago have that problem, and another guy there and I talked her into doing this ghetto ear candling with a rolled up piece of newspaper - it was HYSTERICAL, even if it didn't clear up her ears.

  34. That picture is so cute! I too was surprised to find out from my doctor that Q-tips are not for ears, as growing up I was certain that was their only purpose. Hope you feel better!

  35. I had the same problem. I went the doctor and he had to vaccum out my ear. It was very painful but totally worth it because I could finally hear again!

  36. Oh no! Feel better! I know that can't be comfortable!

  37. I hope that you start feeling better soon. Isn't it amazing how our furry friends always know when we feel sick and need comforting the most? Your pup is adorable! :)

  38. Hope you feel better, that picture is adorable!! Just found your blog and love reading!

  39. now i have never tried them but i've heard of these candles that you put in your hear and burn and the create some sort of vacuum to suck out all the wax. I think you can get them at GNC? My friend SWORE by them, I just always forgot about them and never tried them out! Hope you feel better! Let me know if you try it... I have problems hearing but it might be more selective ha!

  40. I'm so sorry to hear about your ears...but that pic of you and Nuts is ADORABLE! :)

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