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Tuesday, March 30

my man is coming home

TODAY! Today is the day Ty is coming home! He has been gone the whole month of March on his rural rotation. He was about 3.5 hours from me. I did get to see him on the weekends, except for this last weekend. What a long, lonely weekend it was.

Ty's grandparents live about 40 minutes from where he was for the month. He got to spend a lot of time with them and I know he was so happy they were near. I went to their house one weekend and met Ty at the hospital first. He gave me a tour of his quarters.

The lovely hospital room he stayed in all month.
Now, before you start to feel bad for Ty for living in a hospital room and sleeping on a hard bed, he did get free food: breakfast, lunch and dinner. He was at a newly built hospital and they apparently have a great cafeteria. Townspeople eat out there. I hope my cooking is up to par. :)

You see those blue scrub pants; he lives in those things.
I can't remember the last time I saw him in jeans. haha.

I cannot wait to have this guy home with me every night! Hurry home husband.

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  1. He's a cutie pie! I can see why you want him home. :)

  2. awww!!! you two are too cute! im excited FOR YOU that he is coming home! enjoy having him back!

  3. So happy he will be home to you soon!!

  4. i don't know how you did it. so glad you get him back.


  5. I can imagine how difficult it was :) So glad he's coming home to you!

  6. What a long month it must have been! I do think it's funny that they have to stay in a hospital room- they pretty much have to live at their job.

    I've had to travel for several months at a time and come home on the weekends and I know how tough it is not to be able to just come home to each other! Glad you'll be back together soon!

  7. Oh my gosh, that'd be so hard!! Enjoy having him home :)

  8. aw! what a long, lonely month! that must've been hard for him, too! i can't help but laugh seeing him all stretched out in that patient chair- all of the chairs in our chemo infusion bay looked exactly like that one- and each day i would crawl into an emtpy room and eat my lunch/watch tv from one! i had to chuckle :)

  9. Yay for you. What "Bachelorette" antics did you get up to when he was gone??

  10. This is hilarious, I did not know he was staying AT the hospital! I am sure you are overjoyed at his return! Can't wait to see you this weekend!

  11. Medical school is not for the faint of heart, is it? What a challenge this is!

  12. OH LINDSEY! I am so happy he is coming home. What torture - especially doing it ALONE. You are one brave soul. I despise those rotations.

  13. Oh wow-that's a long time to be without him :( Glad he's coming back soon!

  14. Gross Lindsey, that is my brother...j/k. I hate being away from Jesse too long, glad Ty is coming home.

  15. I think he called me tonight on his way home but I didn't call him back. I hope he made it home safely!

  16. I have a list of comments.

    1. I WILL NOT be a neurologist.
    2. What hospital did he go to? Did he like it?
    3. My mom is speaking tomorrow at 11 in our class. You should come listen!

  17. So glad he's home! Away rotations are the worst!

  18. He's so cute... I know how it is to be away from the husband. I've learned to do a lot of man's job in the house.

    Happy Wednesday! xoxo

  19. That's a long time to be away from him! :( And that's crazy that he was living AT the hospital, I had no idea med students did that!!

  20. That's a long time to be apart. Enjoy finally having him home!

  21. Hellooooo eye-candy AND he's a med student too? ::fanning myself::

    I hope you have a wonderful homecoming w/ your man!

    P.S. THANK YOU so much for dropping by my blog w/ your wonderfully kind comments!! I was grinning like an idiot all day. HA!

  22. so glad he's home! what a long time! glad he's done with that rotation :) hope you guys have a great weekend!


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