Oh those clothes! I can recall every piece: Gap button down shirt; leather belt from the Buckle and Lucky jeans. I'm probably wearing doc martens. ha!
Happy New Year!!

Oh those clothes! I can recall every piece: Gap button down shirt; leather belt from the Buckle and Lucky jeans. I'm probably wearing doc martens. ha!
Happy New Year!!
The grandkids: Lillian, Nathan and Lucas
Sarah and Nathan; He was a sleepy boy.
The snow came down all day on Christmas Eve and the winds were blowing 50-60 mph, but that didn't stop the boys from riding 4 wheelers. I got out with Ty toward the end of the snow fall. My face was shielded from the pelting snow and ice with big sunglasses and Ty's body. After the snow had finished falling we all spent time outside riding 4 wheelers and sledding. I somehow managed to not get a single picture of the outside adventures.
Christmas morning
About to head to my parents house.
I'm so thankful our parents only live 10 minutes from each other. Otherwise we would not have been able to drive to my parents house with the road conditions.
Christmas flashback. (I'm on the right.)
LeAnn and I in our matching scarves from our parents.
My mom and sister made snow icecream. It twas delish!
Saturday afternoon (Dec. 26th) we headed to my Grandma's. The interstate was cleared for the most part, but there were areas to watch out for. I didn't get my camera out the whole evening.
My parents grew up in the same town, so Sunday afternoon was Christmas at my Nanny's house.
Nanny wearing her new apron I bought her from Williams-Sonoma.
Gage and Damen. They look like trouble, don't they?!
Ty and I were blessed with some great presents, but more importantly we got to spend quality time with our families.
Merry Christmas!!
Gingerbread Brownies
I love this gingerbread cakelet pan from Williams-Sonoma. Instead of cake, I use brownie mix from a box. So easy and so cute.
I haven't done an update on W in a few days, because there hasn't been much change. She is still in a medically induced coma and the swelling in her brain keeps decreasing as long as she is not moved. (She has to be moved for scans, baths, etc.) Please continue to pray for her healing and for her family's strength. Ty got to see her today. The doctor he is rotating with worked with W at his main hospital. Dr. C does rounds at every hospital here in town and they stopped in to check on her today. Ty said she is looking good and her bruising is going away.
W is still in a medically induced coma, but is improving each day. The swelling in her brain is slowly decreasing, but there is really no change. She has two CT scans in the morning. Please pray that these scans bring good news of healing. Tonight at church there were lots of prayers and wonderful stories about W shared. She is very loved and has a lot of people praying for a quick & successful recovery. {If you missed the what happened portion click here.)
Now that we are down to the 12 days of Christmas, baking, presents, parties, etc. have taken over our lives. I love it!
I have decided that I am going to share the recipes of all the goodies that I am making this Christmas season. I love to discover new things via the blog world and I hope you all do too.
Making Turtle Pretzels; recipe found here. It is pretzels, rolos, and almonds. A must try.
Ty and I are part of Sharing and Caring at our church. Interested couples/families/singles are assigned to a group of about 8 that get together once a month for dinner. It is a great way to get to know people that you might not interact with on a regular basis. The groups change every so often. Today was our first get together for our new group. We had such a good time visiting with people and eating a delish meal.
A couple of hours later we headed to our Sunday School class party. A woman in our group was very concerned about another woman, W, who had disappeared from the dinner. No one had seen her for at least 20 minutes. The rest of our group just thought that she had taken a phone call and had gone somewhere else to talk. W is a nurse practitioner and works in a NICU. I guess everyone assumed she had gotten a phone call from work. Well, thankfully M was really concerned about W missing. M and her husband started searching the church building and finally found her lying at the bottom of a dark staircase. Our church has several wings and most of the lights were off expect for where we were meeting.
Ty and two nurses in our group rushed to help her and called 911. It was a horrible accident and she is in a medically induced coma. Hopefully, we will have good news in the morning. Please keep W in your prayers. She is a single mother and has a 3 yr. old little girl.
It's safe to say that we will not be opening a bakery anytime soon.
I'm trying to convince Chesley to start a blog. She's a follower, so maybe one day...
The whole gang: Kathryn, Megan, Camryn, Me, Emily and Chesley
The hostess with the mostest. I think we wore this litte pregnant lady out.
Megan had parting gifts for us all. I hung them on my oven door as soon as I got home.