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Monday, January 18

Weekend Recap

Friday My parents stayed the night with us. My mom took Ty & I to Sam's. I love that place. I could get carried away with buying in bulk. Chesley came over and we all played Apples to Apples. Ches and Ty had a good time challenging in each in Wii Sports. It was quite amusing.

Saturday We went to my nephew's first birthday party. He is such a cutie.

Wearing his new hat from my parents and opening his tractor from my sister.

Sunday Ty and I had a relaxing day at home. We went to a few furniture stores, but had no luck. I want a comfy reading chair for our living room.

Our school was closed today in honor of MLK day. I have spent the day at Target, catching up on shows, cleaning, etc. Ty is on a psychiatry rotation and had to work today. He is working with troubled teens. He sent me this text today, "The kids are calling me the sexy intern. You should be worried." haha!

I could get really used to these long weekends!
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  1. Your nephew is BEYOND adorable! Those chubby cheeks KILL me!!

    Yay for vacation days and Target!!

  2. Your nephew is way cute!

    I have never played Apples to Apples.. everyone has good things to say about it tho...

    Sexy Intern! lol

  3. Your nephew is cuter than a cupcake!

  4. fun weekend! your nephew is precious! haha I bet Ty gets all kinds of comments!

    this is random but I noticed Macys.com had some cute chairs for good prices!

  5. I was told by my husband too that I should be worried when he got kissed on the butt by a female teen during his psych rotation - haha!

    Apples to Apples is so fun! I just played it for the first time the other weekend with my nieces.

  6. What a great weekend! I love when my mom stays over! Oh and Sams has this AMAZING shrimp dip!!!

  7. Your nephew is so cute!

    Are they going to have to start calling Ty McSteamy or something...lol!

  8. What an adorable little boy! That's hilarious about the sexy intern. My my!

  9. Your nephew is such a cutie! Glad you had a great weekend! I remember when my husband did his psych (nursing) rotation.. very interesting stories!

    Hope you're having a great week!

  10. I work at a psyc hospital and its tough business... its cute that they called Ty that. Your weekend sounded like tons of fun!

  11. aw, your nephew is a cutie patootie!!
    that is too funny about ty! ha!
    glad you had a good weekend hun! :)

  12. Aww the last photo of your nephew is adorable!!

    I'm glad you had a lovely long weekend.



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