Cute mommy and baby!
He is so stinkin' cute! Look at his coloring--it's gorgeous!

My parents drove in on Saturday too. They brought Nuts this doggie cupcake for his upcoming birthday. :) He devoured it. I took Nuts along for the trip. He is really good in the car and he loves seeing all the kids that are usually at my grandma's house.
My nephew, Garret. He is such a sweet baby.
We were waiting for the rain to slow down outside of Atwood's. Check out his fanny pack. haha! He hated for it to be called a fanny pack. Apparently, it's what army men wear. At least according to him. He had all kinds of things stuffed in there. It just cracked me up.
Boys, boys, boys--my family is full of boys!
This recipe is courtesy of my sister-in-law, Sarah. It is YUMMY! I stole borrowed the above picture from her blog. I have actually made these twice in the last week. They are so easy and delish.
Ingredients: 1 lb. lean hamburger meat, 1 wedge (per burger) Laughing Cow Light Original Swiss Cheese, worcestershire sauce, hamburger seasonings (whatever you like. I used some steak seasoning.)
Directions: Mix meat, sauce and seasonings together. Form a patty around the cheese wedge. Grill as usual. You should really visit my SIL's blog to see the pictures that go along with the directions.
Heads Up: Don't press on the patty with your spatula (your burger might ooze cheese!). The best part about this recipe is it came from The Hungry Girl cookbook and the meat and cheese is under 200 calories. Their site suggests eating it between lettuce. I am a dare devil and opted for buns! :)
Ty is doing some sort of life support class right now. He made me ask him questions last night for his test today. I would present the symptons and he would run through what to do. He and Nuts would run through the steps on Nuts' goose. It was hilarious! Ty was talking out loud so fast and in a hurry like they really had to save the goose and Nuts was jumping around all excited. I wish I could have video taped it. Although, I might have been the only one who would want to watch it later. My boys just crack me up!
This post was all over the place but the blogging juices aren't really flowing. My thoughts are pretty jumbled this week. I can't wait for the weekend!
Saturday morning we got up bright and early to head to Ty's sister's graduation. It was so nice to see his family. I hadn't seen them since Christmas. All the little kiddos are growing up so fast. There was so much going on that I didn't take any pictures. After that celebration we drove an hour back to our house. Ty headed to the school to study for boards and I headed to Chesley's reception.
Kelsey, Chesley and I
Saturday started out cold and rainy but turned out to be a gorgeous day. I spent several hours on the patio with Chesley's family. I even got a little pink, although it doesn't take much sun for me to get burnt. :)
Sunday marked day 2 of the 30 Day Shred video--I am SORE! Jillian is intense! I don't want to ever do another push up again. I can barely do one (girl style). I also helped Chesley move a car load into her new house. And I wasted waaaaaayy too much time searching for a new purse on the internet. I returned the one I bought from J.Crew--it was cute, but not quite what I was wanting.
Now it's time for another work week...