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Tuesday, April 28

New York, New York

{Warning: LONG POST} I don't even know where to begin with this post. New York City is a place that I have wanted to visit ever since reading about Stacey from the Babysitter's Club books. haha! I was so excited to find out that the conference that I was attending would be in NYC. I started recruiting my mom to go with me--it didn't take much convincing. We had such a good time. The conference was great and I learned a lot. In between every conference meeting I jam packed our time with sightseeing. I didn't want to overwhelm you all with pictures, so I made these picture grids in Picasa. Its such a great feature! {You can click on the pics to make them bigger.}

We stayed at the Marriott Marquis Times Square.
From Left to Right: Top row: View of the Hudson from my hotel room; Times Square all lit up at night.
From L to R: Bottom Row: Times Square early one morning; View from my hotel room.

Day 1
Started off with some excitement the night before. My direct flight was cancelled and we had to reschedule for the crack of dawn, not kidding. A 6 a.m. flight! But hey we made it!
1. The Chrysler Bldg.
2. The NYC Public Library
3. Bryant Park at night
4. John's Pizzeria--YUMMY!

Day 2

It was a cool, rainy, foggy day but that didn't stop us from exploring. We set out to find Kee's Chocolates in Soho. Fantastic chocolates! I had the Thai Chili, Dark Choc. Truffle, and Lavender. We stumbled upon MarieBelle and had hot chocolate. I heard that Oprah is a fan.

1. Kee's Chocolates 2. Bldg. in Soho 3&4. MarieBelle and its Cocoa Bar.

We went to Canal Street. It was so much fun and scary to be sneaking into back rooms. I bought a bracelet and some sunglasses on Canal Street. You will see the glasses below. I always buy really big glasses that do not fit my narrow head and then never wear them again. I think that is going to be the case with these. Let me get back on track...

After Canal Street we headed to Century 21, a huge discount department store. I am not a digger and it was too big and overwhelming for me to really shop. I did get Ty a nice, lavendar tie and a bow tie! I can't wait for him to wear the bow tie. He is going to have to google how to tie it first. haha! Across the street from Century 21 is where the World Trade Center stood. It was a very sombering thing to see.

From Century 21 we went to lunch at Les Halles. It is a restaurant co-owned by Anthony Bourdain. He is the host of the Travel Channel's No Reservations.

From there we headed to the Staten Island Ferry. We got to see the Brooklyn Bridge, the dowtown skyline, the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island all aboard a free ferry ride.

Then we went to the East Village, near NYU and ate at Pommes Frites. YUMMY--belgian fries with dipping sauces. (Mom and I chose pesto mayo, sweet chili, and parmesan peppercorn.) We had to race back to get to the welcome session of the conference and then I met up with Bama Belle.

Day 3

Day 3 started off nice and early. Mom and I headed to Rockefeller Center to check everything out. It was so nice to be out and about without a lot of people around.
1. GMA show
2. Cooking portion of the GMA show--Wolfgang Puck was on.
3. Rockefeller Center
4. SAKS!
One of the sponsors of the conference took several of us to lunch at Sardi's. It was so neat to see all of the caricature drawings. After a few more meetings, Mom and I headed to 5th Ave. to window shop. Ah, Bergdorf's--gorgeous! Then off to Sak's to try on a lot of jeans--no such luck! I also introduced my mom to Anthropologie. Love that store!
1. Lucille Ball caricature
2. FAO piano
3. FAO Giant jelly bean soldier
4. Brooke Shields caricature at Sardi's
Day 4
Lots and lots of meetings followed by a trip to Central Park, back to Bryant Park (too bad it wasn't during fashion week), Junior's restaurant, and Mamma Mia! It was a gorgeous day.

1. Central park Turtle Pond--view from the Belvedere Castle
2. Central Park
3. Central Park
4. Belvedere Castle
1. Bryant Park Grille
2. Bryant Park
3. Bryant Park with the NYC Public Library in the background
4. Bryant Park: look at all those people enjoying the great weather!
1. &2. Bryant Park (You know I can't resist pretty flowers!)
3. & 4. Central Park West (backtrack with me.)
Mamma Mia!
I haven't seen the movie--heard it was awful. The musical is GREAT! After the show we went to the only revolving restaurant in NYC, located at the top of our hotel. It was nice to see the city from that high up. No pics, though. They didn't turn out good through 2 layers of glass.
Day 5
Our last day to see the sites. We started out in the West Village.
1. & 2. Little Marc Jacobs photo shoot. Photos for moms and kiddos in the park. They were still setting everything up or I would have had my picture taken. haha!
3. The best tomato soup ever at Cafeteria. SO GOOD!
4. Cafeteria
Touring the West Village was all about seeing the Sex and the City sites for me.
1. Carrie Bradshaw's apartment
2. Me on the steps of Carrie Bradshaw's apt.
3. & 4. Perry Street (the street of Carrie Bradshaw's apt.)
I told ya'll that today was all about SATC. We went to the famed Magnolia Bakery for cupcakes. They were oh so yummy. The perfect sugary, buttercream frosting--very similar to my Nanny's. I also had some great, fresh squeezed lemonade.

We walked around the West Village and ended up in Chelsea at a street fair. We went into several cute boutiques and then decided it was getting hot and it was time to head back to the hotel for a while. But the subway ride revived me and we ended up at the shops at Colombus Circle. We bought some magazines and headed to Central Park to read. We sat on this huge rock surrounded by half of thepeople in the city. I'm not kidding. It was a gorgeous day and everyone was out enjoying it.
These pictures are of my view from where we sat in Central Park. I also enjoyed my other cupcake. The too huge sunglasses made an appearance. haha!

After Central Park, we headed back to Times Square. It was CROWDED! We stopped in a few stores and then headed to the hotel to relax and figure out what to do for dinner. We ended up eating hot dogs and pretzels from a street vendor. For dessert we headed to Pinkberry. It was so good. They serve frozen yogurt with all kinds of toppings. I had strawberries and cap'n crunch. Oh so delish! Then it was time to pack up. We had to be up at 3:30 AM to catch our flight home. NYC is a very unique, magical place. But now I need a beach vacation to recover. :)


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  1. How fun!!! You got some great pictures!

  2. I love your Babysitters Club reference. Too funny!

    Love your pictures...looks like you had a great time! Made me miss New York! We also went to the GMA show when we went and it was tons of fun!

  3. Oh my gosh!! It looks like you had a great time! Love the pictures!!

  4. I"m so jealous! It looks like you had a blast. I've always wanted to go to NY but have never made it there.

  5. I am so so so so so so so so so so incredibly sad that I didn't get to meet up with you! Not only did you stay RIGHT around the corner from where I work in Times Square (I was up there in the 26th floor of one of the buildings in your pictures), but you were also RIGHT around the corner from my apartment (in the W. Village) and D's apartment (that overlooks the World Trade Center site). Stupid job that made me have to miss meeting you! That just means you have to come back ;-)

  6. you did everything under the sun! i've been living here 10 years and well, just got to do some of that stuff. ;) you were right by our place, we live on the other side of the WTC/Ground Zero on the water and you were right near my work across from St. Pat's and Rock Center. :( so bummed I missed you! but you had a blast, i can see!

  7. WOW, you did squeeze a lot in!! I've been to NYC tons of times but I don't think even I've seen everything you did!! Looks like you had a blast! :)

  8. Loved your post and pictures! You were quite the busy bee! Just a few things:
    1)Laughed so hard at the Babysitters Club reference.
    2)Laughed again about googling how to tie a bowtie. I wouldn't have a clue either!
    3)So jealous about Mama Mia! I can't believe you heard the movie was awful. You must see it now. It is wonderful! I've never met anyone who didn't like it.
    4)I would have been freaking out getting my picture on Carrie's stairs! How fabulous!!!

  9. Looks like you had an amazing time!!! I can't wait to go! You squeezed so much stuff in, I bet you are exhausted!

  10. this post makes me to go back RIGHT NOW!!!! Kinda makes me want to move there which I talked myself out of years ago. BEAUTIFUL PICS ! I'm glad you were able to do so much!!!!

  11. so fun! i took notes, i am headed to nyc in may for the first time!

    ps - i did a post on how to tie a real bowtie...

  12. great pics of what looks like a great trip! love the little collage things!!

  13. I so wanted to be Stacy ... ah those were the days. :)

    Looks like you had a great time. Love the pics!

  14. What a wonderful trip! I love the pictures. I want to visit New York but have no clue when that will happen.

  15. Aw, how exciting. Maybe someday I'll make it up there, but until then I will live vicariously through you!

  16. What an amazing trip. I'm impressed, you're getting a lot into each day!

  17. Hi Lindsey, I've been reading your blog for a little while now and decided it was time to de-lurk! We know Ty from camp at Lu-Jo (he knows Joey VERY well! ha!) We are also good friends w/ Brent and Amy. So... I don't know you but I know your fam!

    Your trip looks like it was amazing! I've been there once but it was a long time ago on a mission trip... I need to go back now as an adult and your post has inspired me! Have a good evening! - Suzanne

    Tell Ty Joey and Suzanne say hello!

  18. awesome!! I wanna go to N.Y.... my math teacher is always talking about the pizza there. YUM!

    great pictures. you look gorgeous!

  19. LOVED the pictures what a great time!

  20. Ok first of all you have GORGEOUS red hair!! I have incredible hair envy.

    Phewww had to get that off my chest first.

    Second YAYAYYAYYA soooo happy you loved NYC!?

    Soooo when are you moving here?? :D

  21. HOLY MOLY you packed it in! AND you attended a conference? I'm totally impressed!

    I love nyc. *sigh*

  22. I am SPEECHLESS!! I have been wanting to go to NYC for so long and now I am desperate to go after seeing your fabulous pictures!! It looks like such a great trip.
    This post makes me so happy, I'll probably be looking at these pictures all day!!!!!!

  23. Sounds like you had a lot of fun in my home state! You took some great pictures!

  24. THE BABYSITTERS CLUB!! I had totally forgotten about those books... I loved them!! I liked Stacey's "handwriting", ha!

    It looks like you had a fab time! I love all the photos... one day I hope to visit NYC.

    Saskia x

  25. That was a great post!

  26. Wow! I've never really wanted to go there but now I think I might. Thanks for sharing your pictures!

  27. I just gave you an award! Swing by and see!

  28. I just tagged you on my blog. :)

  29. Sounds like you had a GREAT trip. I too LOOOOVED NYC! It's totally somewhere I could see myself moving to and living for a year or 2 if I were not engaged and about to get married. HA!!

    Did you know that the NYC Public Library is where the scene of Sex & The City was filmed where Carrie and Big were getting married and he never showed up? So cool!

  30. I'm so glad you sent me this link to your post! Millitini forwarded me the email she sent you and it seems so helpful. We've already picked out a ton of restaurants we want to try and places we want to see.

    I loved looking through your pictures and I can't wait to be there in a few weeks.

    Thanks again!

  31. how did you figure out which apt on perry street it was?


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