I love the look of this lamp in the room. It really puts off a nice glow against the gray paint. Its a soft, calming affect.
I love this lamp! I wasn't sure how it would look in the room so I only bought one. Now I need to go back and buy another one for the other night stand.
*update*: The curtains are from Target and the lamp is from Hobby Lobby.
I blocked out my shirt, because it had the name of the state I live in. :)
I woke up yesterday morning to temps in the 70s and I left work to temps in the 40s. Crazy weather. On my way home I called Chesley to see if she was still up for the running club. We debated for a while and I eventually said it was too cold. I get home and debated about it some more and then a few minutes before I needed to leave if I am going to get there on time I decide I need to go run. I was frantically rushing around trying to find gloves and an earmuff band thingy. Of course I can't find either one of these things, so I start yelling for Ty to help. He isn't much help, because he doesn't have the first clue as to where to look. I started wishing my mom was there because she always knew where to look when us kids lost things. I finally found a pair of gloves and some mittens for Chesley. (It was all I could find!) I gave up on the earmuff band thingy. I got dressed and headed out the door. I got to the track about 10 minutes early. I always do that. I rush and rush because I hate being late and then end up arriving to my destination ridiculously early. I'm the girl that shows up for the party right when its supposed to start and then has to wait 30 minutes for everyone else to show up. I need to learn to relax! haha! It was a cold, windy night at the running club. My ears and face were frozen by the end, but I'm glad I went. I always feel great afterward. I think I am becoming one of those people that really enjoy running!
I discovered last week on my trip to Lawrence, KS that I like bananas. This is a huge deal for me. I am a very picky eater. I used to hate bananas: the mushiness and the taste. I love strawberries, but a strawberry banana flavored food--no way! But then the other day a banana started to sound good to me so I ate one as part of my breakfast at the hotel. I liked it! I guess my tastes are changing as I get older. I cut up a banana and put it in my smoothie last night. I just can't get enough of them!
Today is my SIL, Amy's b-day! Happy Birthday Amy!! I hope you have a great day!