On old Route 66 there is this great little convenience store called Pops. Driving along Route 66 in this area you see lots of old farm houses and fields and then all of a sudden this modern, futuristic gas station is in your view. My boss and I discovered this place on one of our recruiting trips. The next time that Ty and I were in the area we stopped by. I just knew he would love it. We knew we were going to be in the area Saturday evening and made plans to stop.
All lit up at night.

Pops is celebrating Christmas, too! The pop bottle rotated through a couple of designs.

Both of the long walls of the store are lined with thousands of pops.

They also have a little diner inside the store, hence the table and chairs.

I've never eaten there because we always stop at random times. One day...
Check out the cute six pack boxes they provide.

There are a lot of coolers filled with all kinds of pop.
I tend to go with the safer choices and Ty likes to try new things.
My choices were Izze Sparkling Pomegranate (my daredevil choice!), Welch's Grape Soda, and Faygo Orange Soda. Ty had some really weird flavor with the name rat in it, but at the last minute traded it out for a good ole Coke.

It was such a fun trip! Ty and I had such a great weekend together. I had forgotten how much fun we have together when the stress of medical school isn't looming over his head.
The tempatures were a record high here yesterday: 75 degrees! This morning it is 16 degrees! Quite the dramatic change! The temps began dropping yesterday evening and it started sleeting last night. I went to bed with my work phone so I could wake up in the morning and check my e-mail. I was hoping that work would be closed and it is!!! YAY! All day at home with Ty! I'm so excited. Although getting Nuts to go outside to do his business is not going to be fun in these temps! :)