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Tuesday, September 22

Work is super busy right now and it sounds like it is that way for a lot of other bloggers. I'm too tired/stressed to think of a title right now!

You know you are married to a medical student when you catch him "scrubbing in" for dinner.
I swear he washed half way up his arms! By the time I saw it and ran into the living room for my phone he was done.
But I did capture him drying his hands. Completely blog worthy, no?
I couldn't tell that story without any pictures!

Oh and when Ty was on nights I put aluminum foil on our bedroom windows to help him sleep better during the day. I never want to take it down. It may look white trash, but
It. Is. Amazing! Too bad one of our bedroom windows is on the front of the house. Maybe just a few more days...

Ty snapped these pics last night:

Anytime I work out at home Nuts will lay down and watch me. It is so weird!

Apparently, I am entertaining and no doubt amusing.

Ty was watching tv in the living room, so I popped the 30 Day Shred into my computer and propped it up on Nuts' old dog cage. {I just bought him one of the fold down metal crates, which is why this one is just sitting out and why there is a box in front of the fireplace.}
And yes I am doing girl style push-ups.



  1. My cat goes NUTS when I work out!! He attacks me, eats my hair, hisses. It's so funny!! I'm doing The Shred too, and I also do the girl-y pushes :)

  2. I love the 30-day shred! (I do the girly push ups, too).

  3. Haha thats funny about Ty! And that look he is giving you is hilarious! I need to start doing The Shred again!

  4. I think I might have to start breaking out the shred again! Maybe. In all my free time ...

    At least nuts just watches you ... Ollie feels the need to participate in working out! :)

  5. Those pix of you excersing with nuts watching CRACK ME UP! Hysterical!

  6. Haha that is too funny!

    Also I think girl pushups are totally acceptable and nothing to be ashamed of :)

  7. I love that you ran to get your phone to take pictures of your husband scrubbing in for dinner! So funny!

    And, it is so cute that your doggy watches you work out. I just bought the 30 Day Shred at Target, but have yet to start it. I'm excited, but a little nervous!

  8. The three of y'all must have so much fun at home!

  9. haha, he's so cute just watching you. My dogs freak OUT! They bark like crazy and when I get on the floor they try to lick my face. It's pretty comical actually :)

  10. do tell me about how you like the 30-day shred...

    just invested in it.

    i have some lb's that need to find another place to live :)

    ---maybe one of my favorite posts of yours ever---the working out via computer on dog cage, with dog watching, and some pushups. love it!

  11. Our dog LOVES to help when anyone works out at home. If you're doing pushups or sit ups, she'll lay down beside you and kiss your face. Pets are so funny :)

  12. At least you Nuts lets you work out. Tebow thinks that means play time and will literally jump on my back as I'm trying to do push-ups. Needless to say it doesn't go well!!

  13. hiliarious that he was scrubbing in for supper :)

    You go girl, doing your 30 day shred!! I'm sure you're a little sore today :)

  14. i am SO GLAD to hear someone else does girl push ups whilest jillian is yelling!

  15. oh m gosh! that last picture is so great! love it!

  16. That is so funny about Nuts...he is looking at you like come on girl, just rest with me..hehe

  17. Haha that is hilarious! Both your husband "scrubbing in" for dinner and Nuts watching you excercise! And this 30 Day Shred- I have heard so much about it.. I think I may be jumping on the bandwagon :)

  18. Such a cute dog!! And I can't wait to try the 30-day shred!! Ha-Ha! :)

  19. Our daschund goes ballistic when I do any workout videos. She'll run around me and jump on me like we're playing a game. Your puppy looks so sweet!

  20. haha my dog does the same thing!! he supervises..

  21. I think Nuts sits on the couch and watches because he's glad it's not him having to do it. ha!!

  22. So funny! My cats go nuts when I'm doing the Shred. I use them as free weights sometimes. ;) They love it.

  23. So funny. Sadie does the same thing. When I do crunches, she'll lay down beside me and try to put her head or paw on my stomach. She always look at me like, "WTF?"

  24. I think it's cute that your daschund sits up on the tip top of the sofa as well. I swear they're half cat!

  25. My puppy does the same thing when I work out, usually closer though, yucky baby breath when working out!

  26. Tyke usually tries to join in my workout when I'm doing The Shred. He really goes nuts when I do jumping jacks. *LOL*

  27. Left a surprise for you on my blog! Love 30 Day Shed!

  28. That's really funny. My dog just tries to get in the middle of the workout. I wish he would just watch! (-:


  29. So cute and funny about the dog and the hubster! Great job on the 30 day shred - I've not done mine in a while - but Jillian sure can kick your butt doing it, can't she! HA! :o)

  30. I love/hate the 30 day shred and Dixie watches me too weird!

  31. Too funny! My dog goes crazy when I work out. When I get down on the floor for ab work she thinks it's time to play, and jumps all over me. And your husband is too cute scrubbing in--that picture looks like he's saying, ugh, got caught! :)

  32. I am a surgical nurse, and let me tell you...I catch myself doing very similiar things to your husband's "dinner scrub in!"

    Oh, and I heart the 30 day shred!

  33. nothing wrong with girl style push ups!!!


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