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Thursday, July 3

Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore!

Ty and I had a real eye opening experience yesterday. Let me start from the beginning....

We only have one garage door opener. This isn't that big of a deal for us because Ty's jeep has little button that you can program to open up a garage door or apt. gates. The only problem is we haven't done that yet for the garage. So, everytime we go somewhere we have to get the garage door opener out of the car that we aren't taking.

When I leave for work in the morning I just leave the garage door up and Ty shuts it down when he gets up. Only yesterday he left it open all day. He was going in and out all day working on stuff. When I came home from work I noticed all of the stuff from his glove compartment was sitting in his passenger seat. I didn't think much of it. I thought he had gotten the owner's manual out to read about how to program his little button to raise the garage door.

It is time to leave for church and Ty goes out into the garage and comes back in to tell me that someone has been in our garage searching through his car. I thought he was joking! It turns out that sometime yesterday afternoon between noon and 5 pm someone was in our garage, probably looking for car keys. Isn't that scary!?! Ty was in the house while someone was out there. I started frantically looking around to see if anything else in the garage had been taken--nothing to our knowledge had been. Then we think about the garage door opener. It was missing! We just knew that they had taken it and were going to come back. So we back my car out to take to church and lock the garage door so that it can't be raised. As we are backing out of the garage I see the opener on my passenger side mirror...just where we put it last. Thank Goodness!

We realize that we are not in Elgin or Stillwater anymore and that we need to be more careful. The garage door will not be left open all day. I need to stop leaving my keys in the car (even though it is locked in the garage.) It is not like we live in a horrible neighborhood. This could happen anywhere in a big city or small town--you just never know. My friend, Chelsea, had her jeep stolen out of a really nice, gated community in OKC. You just never know. Ty and I will definitely start being more careful.

So much for having a guard dog! This is probably what those two were doing yesterday when this all took place! :)


  1. I got chills reading that!! Ohh man scary!! That has been happening EVERYWHERE!! I saw it on the news! the news people were actually going into garages and taking stuff to prove a point! it was crazy!!Did I tell you the 500 can't fit in the garage lol my dad is worried I will do damage to it trying to fit it in exactly it barely clears the door! lol

  2. What a story! I'm glad nothing was taken.

  3. whoa. that's kind of scary! zack's jeep has been broken into before...he actually chased the burlar down! it was scary. but like you said, it doesn't matter where you live...you can never be too careful. you never know what might happen!!!

  4. That is so scary! My husband leaves his car unlocked and then leaves his wallet there too.

    I did try the pork chops and I loved it. I ended up marinating them overnight because I knew I didn't want to wait when I came home from work and wouldn't have time in the morning. Thanks for the recipe!

  5. Ohhh my this is scary as I leave my garage door open at all times. I have even left it up at night before on accident. With my keys in the car purse with money credit cards etc. WOW! I am going right now to put my grage door down!


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