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Tuesday, July 1


I gave up on sewing for a while. It takes forever and I have to set up my machine on the dining room table. Oh, and I am really bad at cleaning up after myself so it will sit out for days and days along with all of my fabric, the ironing board, scissors, etc.

For some reason today I decided that I am going to drag it all out to make another apron. (When I say another apron, I mean a second apron. I have only made one!) I found this great tutorial online. I really want to make a ruffled apron and I hope to finish it before I head home for the 4th of July. We will see if that happens. Considering I am going home Thursday after work. (Home meaning my parents house.) And I have the Chesler's b-day dinner tonight and church tomorrow. But I am determined!

Happy Birthday, Chesley! The big 23!


  1. Um. Chesley has an awesome birthday. My anniversary! Good luck on your apron - you better show me pics!!

  2. Happy Birthday to me!! Its an actual week long celebration you know that right!! Thanks for coming last night!! I have the bestest friends!!! love you!!!!!! Good luck on the apron!


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