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Tuesday, September 9

Random Facts

I was tagged by Mrs. Dirnberger to participate in 6 Random Facts. Basically, you just reveal 6 random facts. I'm not sure why I felt the need to explain that to you all. I mean, you guys are smart people. I know you figure it out before I explained it.

1. I LOVE the color pink. I am obsessed with it actually. In college everything in my room was pink. Too bad the husby doesn't think it is the best color in the world!

2. I take the longest showers. 15-20 minutes long. I should probably be more conscientious of that--you know, be more green.

3. I have a magic hair towel. Really, its magic! It absorbs the water more than a regular towel thus, drying your hair faster. If I forget it when I travel I get really upset.

4. I am boycotting the blow dryer. I have only used it twice in the last month. I am growing my hair back out from my last major cut and I want it to be healthy. This also means cutting back on the Chi.

5. Sometimes I miss living in a sorority house. I don't consciously think about how I miss it. Chesley stayed the night with us last night because her a/c is out. It was so much fun. Ty was at the school studying all evening, so it was just us girls. I forgot how much fun it is to live with girls.

6. I am a list maker. I make lists for everything that I do. Right now on my desk there are 3 different lists for 3 different events that are taking place this week. I also love post it notes my desk is covered in them.

I guess I will follow the rules and tag 6 other people to participate: Whitney, Amy, Sarah, My Home-My Life, oh I can't think of any one else....


  1. Woo hoo - I will definitely have to come up with some facts about myself. Nice.

    I was SO READY to stop living with girls. My 3 best college friends were a BREEZE to live with because we just had so much fun everyday. But of course, we had ONE roommate (wasn't in the clump of my 3 bests) that always caused drama and I was sick and tired of it and ready to move in with a BOY! So I got married and definitely prefer living with him.

  2. OK..I am super excited about my package. I have also been gathering fun things, but I have one problem....I lost your WHOLE email. Yep...I do not have your email message anymore. THis means no address, no likes etc etc. Of course we were paired b/c we enjoy the same likes so I have most of it fiqured out but if you could just drop me another email that would be FANtastic!!!! I would through in a little somethign extra: Ok here is my emails..I am giving you two of them so this one doesnt' get lost.

  3. Thanks for the facts about you and for tagging me! I will post tonight after work... Is it wrong that I get mad when I am busy at work because then I don't have time to blog?!?!?! haha

  4. Oh, Your facts are fun to read. We tagged some of the same people.. To funny!


  5. Pink is the best color. I decided. ;) My husband and I have seperate bathrooms and mine is all done in pink and Hello Kitty!

  6. I need that magic towel! I spend a lot of time with the ole blow dryer, straightening my hair. I got away with air drying when it was long, but no way with short hair. Maybe I should grow it out... hmmmm....

    I miss living in the dorms. I stay with my sisters sometimes on the weekends just for fun, staying up late and watching movies and pranking other girls. I'm probably way too old for it. :)


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