Monday, June 30
Little Miss Suzy Homemaker: Recipe Exchange

Friday, June 27
You have to see WICKED!
Inside the Oriental Theatre. This picture does not even begin to show how beautiful it is inside.
The lobby.
The set. (No, I didn't sneak a picture. I found this on the world wide web.)
The ceiling in the lobby.
Inside the theatre. (Another picture taken from the world wide web.)
Thursday, June 26
I arrived at the hotel after a very long shuttle bus ride in rush hour traffic. We are smack dab in the middle of the Magnificent Mile. When I look out my hotel window I can see a huge GAP store and La Perla (a ridiculously expensive lingerie store!) At the corner of our hotel there is a ginormous Forever 21. And Chicago has an H&M! I can't wait to go there! Although, I think my husby said something about not spending money, blah, blah, blah. Just kidding, Ty! I hate med school budgets! Or any budget for that matter!
Dana and I wanted to eat pizza for dinner but after several attempts we gave up because the wait times were around an hour and a half. We found a cute little bakery instead. After dinner we headed to the Navy Pier. The pier is such a fun, family place. I took several pictures while I was there to share with you all!
BTW, Wicked is showing in Chicago and guess who got tickets!?! I have never seen a broadway production and can't wait to see it tomorrow night! The last time I was in Chicago it had just opened here and the tickets were sold out, but not this time. Although I will be sitting way, way, way up in the balcony in the nosebleed section.
A huge cone shaped mound of flowers at the pier. So pretty!
A big pot full of gorgeous flowers. You gotta love city beautification projects!
The HUGE ferris wheel at the Navy Pier. I couldn't talk Dana into riding with me due to her vertigo and all!
Simple Acts of Kindness
I begrudgingly went to help. Everyone that was helping ate before the others arrived. While we were eating our preacher, Charlie was standing around talking to us all. He took my cup of lemonade and went into the kitchen to fill it up. I didn't even have time to protest that he didn't need to do that for me. When he came back with my drink he asked anyone else if they needed a refill and said, "I'm here to serve." That little act of kindness really touched me. He didn't have to refill my drink but he wanted to be of service to others. Later in our class we sang the song Lord, Make me a Servant. I hope that I can touch someones life by simply being a "servant." Just something to think about....
(Oh, and I enjoyed being at the dinner and helping once I got there.)
Wednesday, June 25
My name is Lindsey and I am addicted to online shopping!
I don't even drink tea but everyone should have a teapot, right!?!
Monday, June 23
The 5 & Diner

Hi Ho Hi Ho, its off to work I go!
My dad installed some great recessed lighting for us in our living room. He and Ty worked on it all Saturday morning. They also hooked up the water line to my fridge so now I have water and ice in the door. (probably the best invention ever!) They installed a new light switch in my bathroom and fixed my dryer. (Not the actual dryer b/c its brand new but the electrical outlet and wires were all messed up.) They worked all weekend long! I guess the attic is very narrow in height. I've never been up there and don't have any plans to go up there. Ty couldn't even stand on his knees. He had to crawl everywhere he went. His whole back is covered in scratches from nails that were sticking out everywhere. My dad jabbed his elbow into a nail. It sounded very painful and my mom has to call his doctor to see when his last tetanus shot was. I am very appreciative of all my dad did! And Ty too! I am so, so, so glad my dad is handy! We would have spent a fortune on all of those repairs, especially the dryer problem. My dad and I ran to Home Depot to pick up the wire. It was $75 for 50 ft. He said when they built their house 10 years ago it was probably half that price. I guess the price of copper has really gone up. (Along with everything else!)
Mom and I spent all day Saturday shopping. When I say all day, I mean all day--8 hours. We both got some great stuff! I bought a couple of things for the mantle on the fireplace. I love the new plate. You can see it in the background of this picture.
The fireplace is not complete yet. We are going to get rid of that brass cover thingy. I really know my house lingo! We also need to hang that picture and find a few more key items to put on the mantle.
Chesley came over Saturday night for dinner and a movie. I love our date nights. Ty, the Chesler, and I have so much fun together. (My parentals couldn't stay up for a movie. It was getting late.)
It was a great weekend! Thank you Dad for all your work on the house!!!!
Friday, June 20
The best job in the world
7:30 am: (summer hours 7:30-4) start up computer, start up my e-mail. Respond to a few e-mails and check voicemail.
8:00 am: Check out every blog on my list of blogs to check and then some.
10:00 am: order some new giveaways. I love ordering new giveaways. It is shopping but with someone else's money!
10:30 am: New computer screen arrives. I use a laptop because I travel so much. When I am in the office it has a docking station with a regular keyboard and mousepad. My computer screen is about 15 inches. Tiny. So tiny that my face is practically touching the screen so that I can see it. No worries, because yesterday I ordered a new BIG screen. It is huge. So big that I have to push it all the way to the end of my desk and sit back really far or it hurts my eyes. I love it!
11:00 am: Trip to Sam's and Hobby Lobby. A lady in our office is retiring and her party was today. So a coworker and I went to pick up the cake and some decorations. Sam's has a great selection of flowers. That was my duty: pick out flowers and arrange them.
1:30 pm: Arrange flowers
2:00 pm: eat cake and drink punch and gossip with the girls. The punch was great! I will be getting the recipe soon. Punch is my favorite part of parties!
3:00 pm: Check out all of the blogs that I check out along with facebook and anything else my little heart desires.
3:53 pm: Log off of here and go home!! Oh, but I decided to join the fitness center here so instead of going home I have to go work out because I thought it would be okay to eat 2 pieces of cake and drink 4 glasses of punch!!!
3:57 pm: My boss just walked in with a salary letter. I got a RAISE! Okay, so every salaried employee at OSU that did well in their evaluation got a raise but who cares! I got a RAISE! This is the best job ever!!!
Happy Friday! I hope you love your job as much as me! I am very blessed!
Thursday, June 19
Domestic Diva

Wednesday, June 18
Bathroom Update
I have been having decorating issues. I cannot decide on a decorating style. I will come home with a painting that I love but then 2 weeks later decide I need to return it. I also have very conflicting tastes. I want to be all grown-up and have a grown-up house but I LOVE pink and bright colors. This all stems from living in a sorority house for so long. I only had one room to decorate and it was bright pink. Now I finally have my own place I can't decide what to do with it. But my bathroom came out just right! I chose a light, cool blue. (And of course I added some pink!) These pictures don't quite do it justice. I spent probably 20 minutes going through every option on my camera to find the right one to make the color look similar to how it looks in person. We still have a few finishing touches but it is basically done. I need to buy some rugs and maybe some new hand towels. I am trying to decide if I want to keep it all white or add the tan color that is in this picture. What do you think? Leave me a comment and let me know!
This picture shows off the blue color the best.
Sunday, June 15
Landscaping, finally!
On Sunday I took Nuts to the dog park for a playdate with one of my coworkers, Rebecca and her dog Tatum. They had a great time and were completely worn out by the end of it. We met lots of people while we were there. People here are pretty friendly! Tatum and Nuts were quite the duo. They kept trying to hang out with the big dogs, but couldn't quite keep up! Tatum looks big in this picture but don't be fooled by all of his fur! He is half the size of Nuts (in lbs.)
Late Sunday afternoon Ty and I finally put some plants in front of our house. Ty dug out a flower bed earlier in the week. We went and picked out all the plants Friday night. We still want to add flowers in front of the plants.
Friday, June 13
My cute gardening gloves. Ty: "Why don't you put your gloves on?"
Me: "I don't want to get them dirty!"
This picture is for my dad: Aren't you proud of me? I did this all by myself! I never used to roll things up like this at home.
Thursday, June 12
One of my Wall's purchases was bones for Nuts. That little stinker got on top of his cage and took the whole sack into the living room where he proceeded to chew threw the package and start eating on two. I caught him or he probably would have gotten them all out of the sack. He knows he is in trouble because his ears are back and droopy!
Ty and I are officially T-townians....we have become obsessed with Quik Trip! Ty because they have .49 cents 32 oz. drinks, me because I love coke icee's. QT has everything!
Monday, June 9
It was a long weekend....
Dad singing to LeAnn, "I Loved Her First"
Ty and I have lots of house projects to complete this week: landscaping, hanging shutters, hanging blinds, painting the bathroom. Okay, so maybe Ty and I don't have a lot of projects maybe just Ty has projects! Its not my fault that he banned me from painting. And I tried to use the drill to hang blinds but I couldn't keep it on the screw. At least I made the attempt to help. So Nuts and I watch Ty do all of the house projects. Now before you start to feel sorry for Ty remember that I had to pack up the whole apartment by myself because he left me for 3 weeks for his internship! I'm lucky to have such a wonderful husband! I think he secretly enjoys all these projects.
There are so many things we want to do to this house. We bought curtains last night for our living room. What a difference curtains make! Our dryer vent is leaking water so we can't do laundry and it is adding up. So, we will be making a trip to the laundry mat sometime this week. Thank goodness my dad is coming up in a couple of weeks to fix some things for us! I will post house pictures soon...
Thursday, June 5

I finally told him that we were going to a Driller's game because I knew he was thinking we were going to Incredible Pizza. He was worried about finding sunscreen and didn't want to shower after working out in the yard because he was just going to get all hot and sweaty at the game. I finally convinced him to shower! Then I told him that my parents had ordered him a present online but it was backordered and that a store here in t-town had it in stock. I told him we had to go pick it up before the game and that he had to wear a blindfold because my parents wanted to see him open it this weekend. Oh, and when I told him we were going to the Driller's game he wanted to call and invite his friends. I had to tell him no that I wanted to just go with him! Well, we got to Incredible Pizza and he was so excited! He and his friends played video games and bowled a million games. They also took lots of pizza breaks. At the end of the night they decided to ride the go-carts. They ended up getting kicked out because they wanted to play bumper cars with the go-carts. We were there 30 minutes past closing time....10:30.....way past my bedtime! haha! Here is a little video of the fun!